Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M.K. Stalin on Thursday (January 9, 2025) announced a solatium of ₹2 lakh to the family of Mallika Krishnan, 55, a woman from Mecheri village in Mettur taluk in Salem, who was among six persons killed during a stampede in Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh on Wednesday (January 8, 2025). Mr. Stalin has instructed officials to make arrangements to bring the mortal remains to her native.
In a social media post, the Chief Minister said: “Deeply saddened by the tragic stampede at Tirupati, which has claimed innocent lives, including those from Tamil Nadu. My heartfelt condolences to the families who lost their loved ones in this unfortunate incident. Wishing the injured a swift recovery.”
Published – January 09, 2025 06:29 pm IST